my story
In my 24+ years as a massage therapist, I’ve logged over 20,000 massages. When I discovered Polyvagal Theory a few years ago, I took a deep dive into studying the nervous system: how it impacts our health, our relationships, and our capacity to learn and grow.
As I began to weave this new knowledge and understanding into my practice, beautiful results sprang forth and I shifted directions to include nervous system regulation as the foundation of my practice.
My lived experience, various interests and passions, and professional path now are in a place of convergence. I find myself in the middle of my life, decades deep into a career that I love and value, and forever curious about who we are and how we can evolve.
I have immeasurable admiration for the human form and its divine intelligence and am committed to supporting growth and healing in my client’s hearts and bodies.
My family is neurodivergent and I am passionate about advocacy and supporting the Neurodiversity Movement. We are a homeschool family and have chosen to let our son direct his own learning. It is rewarding, fun, and not always easy… but it is always worth it.
It feels essential for me to continue to study and explore the universe inside of each of our magnificent brains. Our brain is informed by our body and our nervous system. When our nervous systems are regulated, our brains function optimally.
Trauma alters the function of our nervous system, brain and body. I am committed to the work of healing my own trauma and providing a nourishing safe place for your nervous system to heal.
“If you want to improve the world start by making people feel safer.”
-Stephan Porges