my services
I offer in-person bodywork and nervous system wellness services in the Colorado Springs area; I also work with individuals and families around the globe using the Safe & Sound Protocol and integrated nervous system wellness techniques.
I offer polyvagal and trauma informed bodywork and Reiki in-person using the Safe and Sound Protocol; these can be stand alone sessions or a 5 day immersive retreat. I also offer education for families and practitioners in the Colorado Springs area.
the safe & sound protocol (SSP)
SSP is an auditory therapy that creates flexibility in the nervous system.
When used standalone or with bodywork, it gets powerful results that speak for themselves.
The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is an auditory therapy that creates flexibility in the nervous system.
This peer-reviewed, evidenced-based therapy calms the physiological and emotional states, and shifts the client into a ventral-vagal state.
This creates resilience, strength, and regulation in the nervous system, which nurtures connection with self and others, and creates optimal conditions for transformative whole health.
I have created a one-of-a-kind approach to whole body transformative health using SSP, massage therapy, Reiki, cupping and essential oils along with take home tools to help restore nervous system regulation and health.
Each session is crafted to meet the individual goals and needs of every client. When the nervous system is regulated through the use of SSP, the body becomes available for healing, growth and transformation in a gentle yet extremely efficient and effective way.
Using SSP along with bodywork and holistic health practices creates opportunity for locked up muscles to unfurl. Subsequently, old behavior and movement patterns shift into a new way of moving and being in the world. Clients begin to see shifts and changes after two or three sessions. These shifts stick-and as a result, life begins to feel different… better. Some benefits my clients have experienced:
better sleep
less tension in the chronic pain experience
ability to respond instead of react
more comfort, joy and ease in relationships
better digestion
decrease in snacking
increased frustration tolerance
deeper meditation practice
decrease in anxiety
decreased alcohol cravings
decrease in depression symptoms
increase in hopefulness
increase in ability to focus
decrease in anxiety attacks
wider window of tolerance
increase in courage